And his nay be nay.
He dwells not on the adoration of man
But the acceptance of God
A Christian man raises his children to believe
In the stories of men he never knew,
about a man he never met.
He is leader among PhD’s
Yet a meek follower,
of a carpenter.
A Christian man is slow to anger,
measured in speech
And patient to listen.
He answers your call without hesitation.
A Christian man,
dedicates himself tirelessly to the welfare of his family
He is not swayed by the popular
Nor influenced by fads.
He is stoic in his morals,
Unyielding in his beliefs.
He fights for the salvation of his children.
He stands because he must.
He is like Joshua in battle,
relentless in Gospel pursuit
A Christian man,
reviews all the songs on God’s album,
so the lyrics come easy.
He ministers in his home,
and his walk, ministers to others.
He is convinced of his salvation,
Even in the face of uncertainty
He bears the weight of uneven tribulations
His spirit ministers when he is gone
His verse is his song
His bible his orchestra
To Matthew he writes
To Luke, he listens
With John, he has argued
Mark, chastised
Of Revelations, shows fear
He pursues Exodus
For Leviticus’ sake
In his memory is Psalms
A Christian man walks
Because his feet search for the path
His shoes show wear
His clothes are soiled
He labors in strength
“Glory’ his constant cry
Meek and mild
With sensitive heart
Yet Strong and mighty
In confrontational stance
He repents with conviction
Forgives with sincerity
For, I hear Joshua’s war cry
From the mountains on high
I cry unto you O’ Lord
That I can be
A Christian man.
©2008 SKK
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